VIVA: IOP Read and Publish
Open Access Initiatives
VIVA and the Institute of Physics (IOP) have agreed to a transformative agreement. VIVA’s long-running subscription to the IOP journals will now include content from the Electrochemical Society (ECS) beginning December 1, 2022, and corresponding authors at the participating institutions will be able to publish articles in IOP journals, not including the American Astronomical Society (AAS) journals, at no fee from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2025.
Open access publishing includes 58 hybrid journals as well as 18 fully open access journals, with CC BY 4.0 as the standard license. The American Astronomical Society (AAS) journals are open access and available for all to read, but their OA publishing fees cannot be included in IOP transformative agreements at this time. No administration is required by researchers or library staff at participating institutions – all qualifying articles will be identified by IOP Publishing and published by default on an open access basis. All fees related to open access on eligible articles are covered; other charges such as page or color charges are not included and will continue to be charged to authors.
Author Resources: More information about IOP transformative agreements is available here:, with information specific to the United States here: The author workflow is available here:
Participating Institutions: All public institutions, as well as the participating private institutions (Hampden-Sydney College, Hampton University, Randolph-Macon College, Sweet Briar College, University of Richmond, and Washington & Lee).
If you have questions about this agreement, please write to