Open Access Initiatives
VIVA and the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) have partnered to develop a new, consortial read and publish agreement that is related to but not specifically derived from their ACM OPEN model. Corresponding authors at the participating institutions will be able to publish articles in ACM journals, magazines, and proceedings as Open Access (OA) at no fee (the agreement does not include books or book chapters) from October 1, 2021 to December 31, 2027. Authors will be able to retain the copyright in their articles and can select to publish using a Creative Commons license. ACM will also deposit copies of these newly OA articles into institutions' repositories for open dissemination, including for non-corresponding authors. Authors who do not wish to publish OA may opt out and publish their work as subscription-only. Users will continue to have full read/subscription access to the content in the ACM Digital Library.
Participating Institutions: All public institutions, as well as the participating private institutions (Hampton University, Liberty University, Marymount University, Regent University, University of Lynchburg, University of Richmond, and Washington & Lee University). New private participants are welcome.
Author Instructions:
If you have questions about this agreement, please write to