The Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics, more commonly referred to as SCOAP3, is a partnership between libraries, consortia, funding agencies, and research centers around the world. SCOAP3 works with publishers to convert journals in the field of High-Energy Physics to Open Access at no cost to the authors.
SCOAP3‘s Open Access model works by centrally paying publishers for the costs of providing Open Access. The publisher then reduces subscription fees to libraries and consortia, who can then put these savings back towards a SCOAP3 shared fund that pays for the publication costs. This makes critical journals openly available to everyone, and because of the central support, removes the financial barriers often assumed by authors in open access models.
Since 2014 VIVA has participated in SCOAP3 through our Institute of Physics journals subscription.
Support of this innovative approach to making educational resources more widely available is directly in line with VIVA’s goal to deliver equitable and cost-effective access to academic resources for Virginia students and faculty.