VIVA: VIVA Open Course Grants
Friday, January 31, 1:00 PM [register here:]
Tuesday, February 4, 10:00 AM [register here:]
Wednesday, February 19, 11 AM [register here:]
The goal of the VIVA Open Course Grants (formerly Course Redesign Grants) is to make textbook and course materials free to students by empowering faculty with the resources and time they need to develop their curricula using open, library, or no cost resources. Course Grants have four areas of focus: Content Creation, Open Pedagogy, Open Ancillary, and Large Scale Adoption. Each grant type is served by a common application and deadline, and applicants for Open Course Grants are asked to select one grant category from the following for which they will apply:
Content Creation Grants
VIVA Open Content Creation Grants support projects that adapt or create materials for credit-bearing courses at VIVA institutions. Intended to support a team, recipients create the content and then work with VIVA to see them published in a way that is accessible for adoption across the state. Typically Content Creation Grants allow one year for the creation of the materials and, following publication, a year to pilot in the classroom and report on the results.
Open Pedagogy Grants
VIVA Open Pedagogy grants are awarded to faculty and instructors who use open materials in innovative ways and share the materials, including a syllabus and instructor handbook, necessary to replicate their efforts in other classrooms. Open Pedagogy Grants typically carry a one year period of performance.
Open Ancillary Grants
VIVA Open Ancillary Grants acknowledge that the open textbook is only the first, foundational piece of a course that relies on open materials. Grant recipients will create test banks, assignments, slides and/or lectures to extend the utility of open materials and increase their adoption throughout Virginia. Grant projects are expected to be completed in one year.
Large Scale Adoption Grants
Large Scale Adoption Grants support a group of faculty, including departments, certificate programs, and interdisciplinary programs, to move a course or group of courses to no-cost materials. Grant recipients will offer their syllabi and any created materials to VIVA Open. Large Scale Adoption Grants are expected to be completed in one year before being piloted in the classroom.
The application for the VIVA Open Course Grant, along with the Request for Proposals and the application instructions can be found at Applicants are strongly encouraged to download all three documents.
Important Dates
The Spring 2025 round of Open Course Grants is now open. Applications are due on March 5, 2025.
Questions about all VIVA Open grants can be sent to
Support and Expectations
Each awarded grant will receive a project orientation at a kickoff meeting and ongoing support from VIVA staff, including Creative Commons license support. In the case of Content Creation grants, copy-editing, design, and illustration work will be handled by VIVA. All created or modified material resulting from these grants must be in a format that can be hosted on VIVA's shared repository, VIVA Open. Copyright remains with the creator but VIVA requires permission to host the content in perpetuity. In addition, grant recipients will be expected to participate in the following required activities: