VIVA: 2023 Announcements
Platino Educa is a Spanish Language film streaming platform with over 300 films from Spain and Latin America. The films are classified by subject and cover a broad range of themes, including art, history, environmental science, literature, and social justice. The films were specifically selected for teaching and some come paired with preselected scene clips and educational guides. Films have Spanish and English subtitles. More than 70% of titles are solely distributed in the U.S. through Platino Educa. The product was voted “Best New Product” at the 2022 Charleston Library Conference.
VIVA has acquired the Gale Archives of Sexuality & Gender 3: Sex and Sexuality, Sixteenth to Twentieth Century. This is a perpetual access purchase. As the third collection in the series, it broadens the scope from a specific focus on LGBTQ history and culture in Parts I and II to the study of sex and sexuality and gender roles research. More than one million pages of rare and unique materials with a date range of 1600-1940 are available to support students, researchers, and faculty exploring areas such as medicine, biology, the history of gender and sexuality, anthropology, law, the classics, art, and erotic literature.
VIVA has acquired Gale Indigenous Peoples of North America, Part II: The Indian Rights Association, 1882-1986. This is a perpetual access purchase. It provides a near complete record of the efforts of the first organization to address Native American interests and rights. It contains around 350,000 pages of incoming and outgoing correspondence, organizational records, and printed material, including early pamphlets and publications both by the Indian Rights Association and other American Indian and Indian-related organizations. The papers of Herbert Welsh, founder of the Indian Rights Association, are also included.
Created with consortia in mind, Celus Plus has not only harvesting and storage capabilities for e-resource usage statistics but also display and analysis tools. This new service will automate much of the usage statistics collection work of VIVA; provide more data than we currently provide, such as denials; and enable cross-product comparison, such as rankings of titles by usage and overlap analyses.
VIVA has acquired Gale Indigenous Peoples of North America, Part II: The Indian Rights Association, 1882-1986 as a new product. This complements an earlier purchase of Gale Indigenous Peoples of North America, Part I.
SUMMARY: VIVA has acquired Gale Indigenous Peoples of North America, Part II: The Indian Rights Association, 1882-1986. This is a perpetual access purchase. It provides a near complete record of the efforts of the first organization to address Native American interests and rights. It contains around 350,000 pages of incoming and outgoing correspondence, organizational records, and printed material, including early pamphlets and publications both by the Indian Rights Association and other American Indian and Indian-related organizations. The papers of Herbert Welsh, founder of the Indian Rights Association, are also included.
INSTITUTIONS AFFECTED: All public institutions that had not already purchased local access will now have access. Private institutions will have an opportunity to opt-in. Discounted rates are available and will be shared with private institution Collection Development Contacts soon.
EFFECTIVE DATE: August 1, 2023
ACCESS AND DISCOVERY: Access is provided through a URL customized for each institution in the format: ID, with the same Institution ID found in your other Gale product URLs.
Technical Support:
Sales Inquiries: Lisa Abbey,
VIVA has acquired the Gale Archives of Sexuality & Gender: Sex and Sexuality, Sixteenth to Twentieth Century as a new product. This complements an earlier purchase of the Gale Archives of Sexuality & Gender: LGBTQ History Since 1940, Parts I and II.
SUMMARY: VIVA has acquired the Gale Archives of Sexuality & Gender 3: Sex and Sexuality, Sixteenth to Twentieth Century. This is a perpetual access purchase. As the third collection in the series, it broadens the scope from a specific focus on LGBTQ history and culture in Parts I and II to the study of sex and sexuality and gender roles research. More than one million pages of rare and unique materials with a date range of 1600-1940 are available to support students, researchers, and faculty exploring areas such as medicine, biology, the history of gender and sexuality, anthropology, law, the classics, art, and erotic literature.
INSTITUTIONS AFFECTED: All public institutions that had not already purchased local access will now have access. Private institutions will have an opportunity to opt-in. Discounted rates are available and will be shared with private institution Collection Development Contacts soon.
EFFECTIVE DATE: August 1, 2023
ACCESS AND DISCOVERY: Access is provided through a URL customized for each institution in the format: ID, with the same Institution ID found in your other Gale product URLs.
Technical Support:
Sales Inquiries: Lisa Abbey,
VIVA now has a subscription to Platino Educa.
SUMMARY: Platino Educa is a Spanish Language film streaming platform with over 300 films from Spain and Latin America. The films are classified by subject and cover a broad range of themes, including art, history, environmental science, literature, and social justice. The films were specifically selected for teaching and some come paired with preselected scene clips and educational guides. Films have Spanish and English subtitles. More than 70% of titles are solely distributed in the U.S. through Platino Educa. The product was voted “Best New Product” at the 2022 Charleston Library Conference.
INSTITUTIONS AFFECTED: All public institutions will now have access. Private institutions will have an opportunity to opt-in. Discounted rates are available and will be shared with private institution Collection Development Contacts soon.
EFFECTIVE DATE: August 1, 2023
ACCESS AND DISCOVERY: The direct access URL is: A title list and catalog records are attached and also available for download on the VIVA website. Please note that some films on the title list are marked as pending. These titles are currently being added to the platform and will be available soon. A new MARC file will be shared when these films are available. For EZproxy and OpenAthens, please use the following stanza information:
Sales Inquiries: PJ Kuyper,
VIVA has acquired ProQuest’s Disability in the Modern World: History of a Social Movement.
SUMMARY: Disability in the Modern World is a landmark online collection that fills the gap in academic literature about the community and contributions of people who experience disability, with a comprehensive and international set of resources to enrich study in a wide range of disciplines from media studies to philosophy. Disability in the Modern World includes primary sources, supporting materials, archives, documentaries, and interviews. The content is essential for teaching and research not only in the growing discipline of disability history and disability studies, but also in history, media, the arts, political science, education, and other areas where the contributions of the disability community are typically overlooked. Disability in the Modern World will include 150,000 pages of primary sources, supporting materials, and archives, along with 125 hours of video, and it was a 2020 Outstanding Academic Title by Choice. More information about this resource is available here. This is a perpetual access purchase.
INSTITUTIONS AFFECTED: All public institutions will have access to this resource. Private schools may opt-in.
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1st, 2023.
COSTS: The public institution purchase is covered by central funds. Private schools may opt-in at a discounted rate by January 31st. (Information about this potential acquisition was shared with the private schools last year, and we believe have heard from all of the schools likely to acquire the product. If you are newly considering it, please let us know ASAP.)
ACCESS and DISCOVERY: Collection access url: . Please select the complete Disability in the Modern World Text and Disability in the Modern World Video collection appropriate for your knowledge base.
VENDOR SUPPORT: For Customer Service, Technical Service, and Sales questions please contact: Anna Wise
The Open Education Initiative of the University Libraries at Virginia Tech is pleased to announce several new open educational resources published in 2023. All are publicly available, openly licensed, and available in multiple format types. Several include ancillary teaching resources and most are available for order via print-on-demand.
Fundamentals of Business, 4th edition is a primary text for one-semester undergraduate introductory business courses. Slide decks for selected chapters (1-8 and 10, so far) are now available. (CC BY NC-SA) Read about what's new in the 4th edition here. Reviewing or adopting this? Tell us here
Introduction to Earth Science is a 530+ page open textbook designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to Earth Science at the introductory college level. It is an adaptation of multiple openly-licensed works in geoscience. (CC BY NC-SA). Read about this book and the adaptation process here. Are you reviewing or adopting? Tell us here
Virginia Cooperative Extension Gardener Handbook is published by Virginia Cooperative Extension and covers a variety of topics important for beginning and experienced gardeners, including soil health, native plants, and integrated pest management. (CC BY NC-SA) Are you using this for a course? Let us know here [print coming soon]
Original Études for the Developing Conductor is a collection of 25 supplemental études designed to enhance contemporary conducting pedagogy and amplify voices of composers from historically excluded groups. This electronic, print, and audio work is specifically designed with navigation features (hyperlinks and QR codes) that make it easier to jump from scores to parts and back for use in class. (CC BY NC-SA) Read more about this book and set of recordings. Are you using this for a course? Let us know here
Sustainable Property Management is a 150-page, peer-reviewed open textbook intended for students majoring in property management and real estate at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. (CC BY NC-SA) Includes teaching materials. Funded by VIVA. For more information, click here. Reviewing or adopting for a course? Please let us know
Fish, Fishing, and Conservation is a 389-page, peer-reviewed open textbook intended for undergraduate students who are exploring majors in Fish & Wildlife. It is also relevant to a general audience or for use in courses which explore social and ethical aspects of fish, fishing and conservation. (CC BY) Includes teaching materials. Funded by VIVA. Read the author's story about this book. Reviewing or adopting for a course? Please let us know here
VIVA has started a three-year read and publish agreement with the International Water Association (IWA) that will allow corresponding authors at all VIVA institutions to publish open access articles in IWA journals and expand reading access for this content as well. Corresponding authors at VIVA institutions will be able to publish journal articles open access at no cost from January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2025 in the following journals:
Subscribe to Open Titles
Aqua (0003-7214; 1605-3974)
Journal of Hydroinformatics (1464-7141; 1465-1734)
Journal of Water and Climate Change (2040-2244; 2408-9354)
Journal of Water and Health (1477-8920; 1996-7829)
Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development (2043-9083; 2408-9362)
Water Policy (1366-7017; 1996-9759)
Water Practice & Technology (1751-231X; 1751-231X)
Water Quality Research Journal (1201-3080; 2408-9443)
Water Science & Technology (0273-1223; 1996-9732)
Water Supply (1606-9749; 1607-0798)
Gold Open Access Titles
Blue-Green Systems (2617-4782)
H2Open Journal (2616-6518)
Hydrology Research (0029-1277; 2224-7955)
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination (2220-1319; 2408-9370)
All VIVA institutions will also have read access to over 42,000 research articles, 78% of which are unavailable to non-participating institutions, in the following journals:
Aqua – 1998 to current
Blue-Green Systems – 2019 to current
H2Open Journal – 2018 to current
Hydrology Research – 1970 to current (previously Nordic Hydrology)
Journal of Hydroinformatics – 1999 to current
Journal of Water and Climate Change – 2010 to current
Journal of Water and Health – 2003 to current
Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development – 2011 to current
Water Policy – 1998 to current
Water Practice & Technology – 2006 to current
Water Quality Research Journal – 1966 to current (previous names include Proceedings - Canadian symposium on water pollution research, Proceedings. Annual Symposium on Water Pollution Research, Water Pollution Research in Canada, Water Pollution Research Journal of Canada, Water Quality Research Journal of Canada)
Water Reuse – 2011 to current (previously Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination)
Water Science & Technology – 1972 to current
Water Supply – 2001 to current
INSTITUTIONS AFFECTED: All public and private institutions.
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2023.
ACCESS AND DISCOVERY: At the start of the agreement next year, institutions should select the following collection in the WorldCat knowledge base: “JISC IWA Publishing (IWAP): Read & Publish: 2022-2024.” I believe there are similarly named collections in other major knowledge bases as well. The IWA will be pursuing a standard collection of its own so that VIVA and other similar customers won’t need to use the JISC version.
AUTHOR RESOURCES: Author resources for publishing OA are available here: IWAidentifies authors by adding the institution email domain to their Right Management system Chronushub, and VIVA has provided a list of email domains. If you would like to check what we have for you, please write to There is no requirement for any additional administration on the part of the institution or researcher.
Customer Service and Technical Support:
Open Access/Editorial: Emma Buckingham,
Please send any questions to
VIVA has acquired the Gale Archives of Sexuality & Gender: LGBTQ History Since 1940, Parts I and II as new products.
SUMMARY: VIVA has acquired the Gale Archives of Sexuality & Gender 1: LGBTQ History Since 1940 I and Gale Archives of Sexuality & Gender 2: LGBTQ History Since 1940 II. This is a perpetual access purchase. With material drawn from hundreds of institutions and organizations, including both major international activist organizations and local, grassroots groups, the documents in the Archives of Sexuality & Gender: LGBTQ History and Culture since 1940 present important aspects of LGBTQ life in the second half of the twentieth century and beyond. The archive illuminates the experiences not just of the LGBTQ community as a whole, but of individuals of different races, ethnicities, ages, religions, political orientations, and geographical locations that constitute this community. Historical records of political and social organizations founded by LGBTQ individuals are featured, as well as publications by and for lesbians and gays, and extensive coverage of governmental responses to the AIDS crisis. The archive also contains personal correspondence and interviews with numerous LGBTQ individuals, among others.
INSTITUTIONS AFFECTED: All public institutions that had not already purchased local access will now have access. Private institutions can opt in by January 27th. (Information about this potential acquisition was shared with the private schools last year, and we believe have heard from all of the schools likely to acquire the product. If you are newly considering it, please let us know ASAP.)
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2023.
ACCESS AND DISCOVERY: Access is provided through a URL customized for each institution in the format:, with the same Institution ID found in your other Gale product URLs.
Vendor Support:
Technical Services Contact: Fay Makki,
Sales Inquiries: Shannon Boyd,
VIVA now has a subscription to Digital Theatre+.
SUMMARY: VIVA has started a new shared subscription to Digital Theatre+, which includes over 600 productions, from musicals to literary classics and in a range of formats including captured theatre, films, TV adaptations, audio theatre and poetry recitals; more than 800 video resources such as interactive workshops, dynamic e-learning videos, and exclusive interviews, lectures and documentaries; and over 21,000 pages of written resources, from accessible guides to essays to ready-made teaching resources, written by educators for educators.
INSTITUTIONS AFFECTED: All public institutions and the private Pooled Funds institutions, plus Union Presbyterian Seminary.
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2023.
ACCESS AND DISCOVERY: There are MARC records available for all of the Digital Theatre+ content. Information is available here:
WEBINARS: There are two webinars scheduled to introduce this product. (Apologies for the late notice – the acquisition process took longer to finalize than planned, and we had already worked with the vendor to schedule webinars. The slides and a recording will be available afterwards if you cannot attend.)
VENDOR SUPPORT: Please use the following email for all questions:
VIVA has started a new agreement with Knowledge Works Global (KGL) to provide publishing services.
SUMMARY: VIVA has partnered with Knowledge Works Global (KGL) to provide publishing services for VIVA Open Grant recipients for their grant-funded open textbooks, open monographs, and other Open Educational Resources (OER). KGL provides a host of content solutions, including interior and cover design, typesetting, EPUB conversion, artwork/graphics processing, copyediting, proofreading, indexing, accessibility remediation and testing, research and permissions clearance and management, animations, project management, other related services, and print on demand through sister company, Sheridan.
This contract is platform-agnostic and does not impact other VIVA-sponsored publishing support, such as Pressbooks or VIVA Open.
While the contract was designed with OER creation in mind, KGL is also able to provide the same publishing services for books and journals. Additional services not outlined in the contract may also be available; please reach out to KGL with requests or questions about additional services.
INSTITUTIONS AFFECTED / COST: VIVA will coordinate publishing services for VIVA Open Grant recipients from all institutions. These services are covered by central funds. All member institutions are welcome to use the VIVA agreement as a contract vehicle to provide services to their local institutions at the negotiated rates. Reach out to KGL at the contacts below for a full quote for needed services. Payment for such support would be paid directly from the institution to KGL.
EFFECTIVE DATE: February 1st, 2023.
VENDOR SUPPORT: For sales questions, please contact: Sanjay Tangri, and cc, the dedicated VIVA-KGL email. For customer service and technical questions please email
VIVA has started an agreement with Celus Plus ( to manage our usage statistics. Created with consortia in mind, Celus Plus has not only harvesting and storage capabilities for e-resource usage statistics but also display and analysis tools. This new service will automate much of the usage statistics collection work of VIVA; provide more data than we currently provide, such as denials; and enable cross-product comparison, such as rankings of titles by usage and overlap analyses.
VIVA’s subscription will cover the shared products, but schools would be able to add a local subscription to Celus for their non-VIVA publishers and vendors at a discounted rate.
VIVA has started a three-year transformative agreement with Cambridge University Press that will allow corresponding authors at all participating institutions to publish open access articles within almost all of CUP’s journals at no additional cost, and which will expand reading access for many to include all of CUP’s journals.
SUMMARY: VIVA is beginning a new transformative (read and publish) agreement with CUP. All participating institutions will now have read access to all of CUP’s over 400 journals (the title list is attached), which represents a dramatic expansion of content for many of the institutions. Corresponding authors at the participating institutions will also be able to publish journal articles open access at no cost from January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2025. This includes almost all of the CUP journals; around 12 are not allowing open access at this time (see column D for “No OA” in the attached title list). No administration is required by researchers or library staff at participating institutions, and existing transformative agreement institutions will still have access to their own admin portal in RightsLink. Institutions will receive quarterly and annual cumulative reports detailing their respective publishing outputs. For existing transformative agreement customers, this will go to the existing contact; for others new to this, it will go to their Collection Development Contact ( unless you tell me otherwise.
INSTITUTIONS AFFECTED: All public institutions, as well as the participating private institutions (Hollins University, Mary Baldwin University, Randolph-Macon College, Roanoke College, Shenandoah University, University of Richmond, and Washington & Lee).
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2023.
ACCESS AND DISCOVERY: At the start of the agreement next year, participating institutions should select the 2023 full journal collection option in their respective knowledge base: “Cambridge Journals: 2023 Full Collection.”
AUTHOR RESOURCES: Author resources for publishing OA are available here: The attached slides document the author publishing workflow. The key element to note is the decision point around OA, which is the step where an author signs their license to publish. The author experience here will depend upon the journal they are publishing into:
VENDOR SUPPORT: Please use the following contacts:
Questions Related to Open Access Publishing:
Technical Support:
Sales: Don Gallagher,
VIVA has started a three-year transformative agreement with Cambridge University Press that will allow corresponding authors at all participating institutions to publish open access articles within almost all of CUP’s journals at no additional cost, and which will expand reading access for many to include all of CUP’s journals.
SUMMARY: VIVA is beginning a new transformative (read and publish) agreement with CUP. All participating institutions will now have read access to all of CUP’s over 400 journals (the title list is attached), which represents a dramatic expansion of content for many of the institutions. Corresponding authors at the participating institutions will also be able to publish journal articles open access at no cost from January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2025. This includes almost all of the CUP journals; around 12 are not allowing open access at this time (see column D for “No OA” in the attached title list). No administration is required by researchers or library staff at participating institutions, and existing transformative agreement institutions will still have access to their own admin portal in RightsLink. Institutions will receive quarterly and annual cumulative reports detailing their respective publishing outputs. For existing transformative agreement customers, this will go to the existing contact; for others new to this, it will go to their Collection Development Contact ( unless you tell me otherwise.
INSTITUTIONS AFFECTED: All public institutions, as well as the participating private institutions (Hollins University, Mary Baldwin University, Randolph-Macon College, Roanoke College, Shenandoah University, University of Richmond, and Washington & Lee).
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2023.
ACCESS AND DISCOVERY: At the start of the agreement next year, participating institutions should select the 2023 full journal collection option in their respective knowledge base: “Cambridge Journals: 2023 Full Collection.”
AUTHOR RESOURCES: Author resources for publishing OA are available here: The attached slides document the author publishing workflow. The key element to note is the decision point around OA, which is the step where an author signs their license to publish. The author experience here will depend upon the journal they are publishing into:
VENDOR SUPPORT: Please use the following contacts:
Questions Related to Open Access Publishing:
Technical Support:
Sales: Don Gallagher,
VIVA has started a two-year pilot transformative agreement with the Institute of Physics (IOP) that will allow corresponding authors at all participating institutions to publish open access articles within almost all of IOP’s journals at no additional cost, and which will expand reading access to include Electrochemical Society journals.
SUMMARY: VIVA’s long-running subscription to the IOP journals will now include content from the Electrochemical Society (ECS) beginning 12/1/22. Corresponding authors at the participating institutions will be able to publish journal articles open access at no fee from January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2024. This includes 58 hybrid journals as well as 18 fully open access journals, with CC BY 4.0 as the standard license. The American Astronomical Society (AAS) journals are open access and available for all to read, but their OA publishing fees cannot be included in IOP transformative agreements at this time. No administration is required by researchers or library staff at participating institutions – all qualifying articles will be identified by IOP Publishing and published by default on an open access basis. All fees related to open access on eligible articles are covered; other charges such as page or color charges are not included and will continue to be charged to authors.
AUTHOR RESOURCES: More information about IOP transformative agreements is available here: and the author workflow is available here:
INSTITUTIONS AFFECTED: All public institutions, as well as the participating private institutions (Hampden-Sydney College, Hampton University, Randolph-Macon College, Sweet Briar College, University of Richmond, and Washington & Lee).
EFFECTIVE DATE: December 1, 2022 for the additional ECS content; January 1, 2023 for the open access publishing.
VIVA has started a new streaming subscription with The subscription provides access to’s Full Collection.
SUMMARY: VIVA’s subscription allows for unlimited access to 338 videos designed to improve the clinical skills of mental health professionals. videos feature Yalom, Linehan, Kernberg and other experts in session with real clients, and step-by-step explanations of their interventions. With the video library students can see theory being put into action, bridging the gap between learning about therapy and actually providing therapy. VIVA’s subscription gives users access to the Full Collection, as well as automatic addition of future content, added throughout the year.
INSTITUTIONS AFFECTED: All public institutions and all Pooled Funds private institutions.
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1st, 2023.
COSTS: The public institution subscription is covered by Central Funds with a cost share from previous subscribers. The private group subscription is covered by Pooled funds with a cost share from previous subscribers. offers the non-Pooled Funds private institutions a discount to opt-in locally.
ACCESS: All VIVA institutions have already been asked to share their proxy information, which VIVA has shared with will be providing each school with a customized url. This will look like: http//[Institution_ID]. This will be shared in the near future with the collections and technical services contacts at your institution, with more detailed set-up and troubleshooting instructions included.
To enable Proxy setup, schools will need to do the following:
DISCOVERY: Records are available via EDS, WCKB and WCD, Summon, and Primo. MARC records can be found here: Enable access according to your institution’s local catalog/knowledge base set up and discovery set up.
TRAINING: Please see the attached feature optimization guide from
VENDOR SUPPORT: Please use the following contact for all inquiries (technical support, customer service questions, sales):