VIVA: ILL Subcommittee
The ILL Community Forum Planning Committee plans and organizes the annual VIVA ILL Community Forum and encourages communication around the state using the VIVAILL-L listserv.
Composition: Approximately 10-12 members, all of whom are volunteers nominated by the directors of VIVA libraries and appointed by the VIVA Resource Sharing Committee (RSC). The membership of this subcommittee should be representative of the academic libraries in Virginia, both geographically and by type. Representation should include at least one member from each type of school: public doctoral, public comprehensive, public 2-year, and independent. Each member will be appointed to serve staggered two year terms, with 5-6 members appointed in even years and 5-6 members appointed in odd years, as determined as the RSC. Terms will run from January 1st to December 31st.
Committee Chair
Rachael Huber
Piedmont Virginia Community College
Institutional Representatives
Sharon Gotkiewicz
Virginia Tech
Term expires 12/31/24
Paula Green
James Madison University
Term expires 12/31/26
Michael Hunter
George Mason University
Term expires 12/31/24
Beth Johnson
Radford University
Term expires 12/31/26
Stephen Leist
Virginia Wesleyan University
Term expires 12/31/25
Elizabeth Teaff
Washington & Lee University
Term expires 12/31/25
Ex Officio
Sophie Rondeau
Virtual Library of Virginia