VIVA: Controlled Digital Lending Advisory Group
In 2020, VIVA's Joint CDL Task Force developed an overarching framework and guidelines for the consortium when considering questions surrounding the implementation of controlled digital lending (CDL). The Controlled Digital Lending Advisory Group intends to carry this foundational work forward, evaluating and advising on issues of CDL as needed, including member questions, CDL solutions, and responding to the broader national conversations happening in this space for the VIVA Consortium.
This community of experts will evaluate and advise on Controlled Digital Lending (CDL) questions, needs, and opportunities, broadly defined, for the VIVA consortium and its members. This includes both responses to requests from and proactive suggestions to the VIVA Office and the Resource Sharing and Collections Committees, as well as developing programming, as needed, for the consortium. This group will ground their work and understanding of CDL in the foundational work of the Joint CDL Task Force,, with particular emphasis on the framework detailed in the Virginia Extended Access Project: Controlled Digital Lending Framework: .
The CDL Advisory Group consists of no more than 12 people and includes members from any VIVA member library, as will as founding members of the Joint Task Force. The advisory group makeup is confirmed by the Chairs of the Collections and Resource Sharing Committees. If there seem to be gaps for representation for certain VIVA institution types, the VIVA Office may make specific requests to the membership to ensure diversity of voices. Membership composition will reflect expertise in a broad range of areas related to CDL, including resource sharing, collection development, scholarly publishing and communication, and administration, among others. Members must have the approval of their supervisor to participate and are expected to submit a brief statement of interest and relevant knowledge and experience, as well as make a commitment to contribute for a period of at least one year.
Members are expected to actively participate in meetings, including an annual planning meeting. The success of this group depends on the contribution of expertise from knowledgeable members of the VIVA community, and it is envisioned as a place to grow community understanding of and consensus on these issues.
The primary communication method for this group will be an email listserv, but focused meetings will be called to address specific offers and mechanisms as well as broad questions about optimizing a statewide approach to CDL, or in leading the consortial response to national questions around CDL. As this group may see consortial offers in early stages of development, confidentiality is expected, just as it would be for any VIVA group that reviews and develops models and offers.
Advisory Group Members
Jessica Bowdoin
George Mason University
Brandon Butler
University of Virginia
Debbie Cornell
William & Mary
Cheri Duncan
James Madison University
Loftan Hooker
Virginia Commonwealth University
Rachel Miles
Virginia Tech
Shauna Hunter
Hampden-Sydney College
Laura Morales
William and Mary
Renee Reighart
University of Virginia
Jesse Spencer
Christopher Newport University
Matthew Todd
Northern Virginia Community College
Genya O'Gara
Sophie Rondeau