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VIVA: VIVA Open Skills Academy

Virginia's Academic Library Consortium

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VIVA Open Skills Academy Flyer

VIVA Open Skills Academy:

Building Your OER Practice

The VIVA Open Skills Academy will build on the foundational skills and practices of collaborating to curate, evaluate, create, and share Open Educational Resources (OER) to further develop projects to advance OER in your work:

  • Session 1: OER Overview: Revisit the what, why, and how of OER, highlighting project examples and use cases involving the successful advancement of OER.

February 1, 2023, 1:00 - 2:30 PM EST  

  • Session 2: Project Design: Hands-on training aimed at supporting effective project design to collaboratively identify, evaluate, organize, remix, create, and share OER.

February 8, 2023, 1:00 - 2:30 PM EST

  • Session 3: Peer Review & Feedback: Deep dive into continuous improvement, developing collaborative workflows to leverage supports for peer review, student feedback, reflection, and refinement of resources.

February 15, 2023, 1:00 - 2:30 PM EST

Participants are required to attend the three 90 minutes webinars, and complete approximately five hours of practice activities to find, curate, publish, and share their OER project. Participants must identify their OER project in their registration to be selected and a Certificate of Completion will be provided to all those who complete their project.

Registration is open until noon on January 18, 2023. Please register in advance through the link below:

Registrants will be notified of their acceptance into the VIVA Open Skills Academy by January 20, 2023.